Breast Augmentation

in Pensacola, FL

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, sometimes referred to as breast enhancement or breast enlargement, is a plastic surgery procedure where breast implants are used to improve the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. Women of all ages choose to have a breast augmentation and do so for many reasons including underdeveloped, or uneven breast tissue. You can make many changes to your body by making healthy choices, but if you are dissatisfied with the size of your breasts, surgery may be your only option. Dr. Shaddix will ensure that your breast implants mimic the look of your natural breast tissue, and customize your procedure to achieve your goals. Those who undergo breast augmentation with him are ecstatic about their improved appearance and boosted self-esteem after breast surgery.

Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

There are several considerations that Dr. Shaddix will discuss with you prior to performing your breast augmentation. Of course, size is an important factor, but the type of implant, whether saline or silicone breast implants, needs to be decided. Some patients prefer saline implants because they are safer in case of a rupture while others prefer silicone implants because of their natural look and feel. During a silicone breast implant rupture, you may not notice it right away as you would with a saline implant rupture. Some patients may also decide to receive a fat transfer breast augmentation, where no implant insertion is necessary.

Our practice proudly offers silicone gel implants in varying levels of cohesiveness. We offer gummy bear breast implants at various levels (gummy, gummier, gummiest) to give our patients increased options. We use smooth, round implants that can be placed above or below the muscle. The incision used to place the implant during your breast implant procedure can be under the breast, around the areola, or under the arm. Some women may wish to have a breast lift at the same time to further improve the appearance of the breasts. Your anatomy will help to dictate the best strategy for achieving the breast size and shape you desire. During your consultation, Dr. Shaddix will use his expertise to guide your decision.

Today’s implants are backed by decades of research and are the safest they have ever been.

Just had a breast augmentation with Dr. Shaddix. The team was so sweet and reassuring, I have terrible anxiety and they put me at ease. Dr. Shaddix listened to what I wanted and gave me all the info I needed to make an informed decision. Altogether a wonderful experience”

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About the Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast Augmentation Procedure

Brianna’s Story

About Shaddix Plastic Surgery

Dr. Shaddix uses a specialized technique with highly advanced instruments to place your breast implant precisely and give you the natural look you want. His gentle technique allows for minimal bruising, decreased discomfort, a fast recovery, and a beautiful result. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation. A very tiny and well-hidden incision is placed in the crease under your breast, around your areola, or under your arm. Then Dr. Shaddix develops the space to place the implant either directly behind your breast tissue (subglandular) or behind your muscle (submuscular). He does this gently and meticulously to minimize any bruising and discomfort.

Next, the implant is placed into the precise pocket. If you have selected saline breast implants, this is placed and then filled to the desired volume.  Silicone implants come pre-filled. Dr. Shaddix very carefully inspects the breasts to make sure there is excellent symmetry, shape, and size. The small incisions are then closed with sutures that dissolve completely and never need to be removed. A small dressing is then applied followed by the placement of a surgical bra. The surgery is short, so you don’t have to stay under anesthesia or be sedated for long.  There are no drainage tubes to have to deal with after breast augmentation surgery with Dr. Shaddix. After breast augmentation, you are able to go home on the same day as the surgery. Most women are feeling good and ready to leave after a brief observation period thanks to the gentle technique used.

Recovery After Breast Augmentation

Dr. Shaddix’s specialized breast augmentation techniques allow for a fast recovery with minimal downtime. Post-operative instructions call for rest and limited movement. Within a day or two, most women are off of pain medications and back to their usual routine with some minor limitations. You will be given a prescription for medication to help with the initial discomfort. Additionally, Dr. Shaddix will ask that you massage the breasts frequently in the early weeks after breast augmentation surgery to prevent scar formation around the implant. In general, breast augmentation scars can be easily concealed.

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Frequently Asked Questions

At Shaddix Plastic Surgery it's a very laid back, low pressure environment where my goal is to educate, and not to sell.”

Meet dr. shaddix

To find out more information about what you can expect and determine if you are a candidate for surgery, call Shaddix Plastic Surgery today. We proudly serve Pensacola, Gulf Breeze, Destin, Fort Walton, and all of Northwest Florida and the Gulf Coast. To schedule your consultation, call our office or fill out our consultation form below!